Binge-Worthy Animated Shows on Netflix for Grown-Ups

Gone are the days when only the little ones enjoyed watching cartoons. Today with entertainment conglomerates like Netflix in the scenario, things have definitely changed. The animation developers are targeting a much larger group of viewers with their extremely interesting layered animation series. These shows will take you back to your childhood but not in the way you think. From the existential crisis of a waning celebrity animal to the “get out of your comfort zone” phase for the ultimate introverts. Whether you’re in the mood for a family sitcom or the hilarious re-enactment of a modern tragedy, we bring you the most binge-worthy adult animation titles to pick from.

Bojack Horseman             

A comic world where human beings co-exist with animals leading similar lives and going through the same ups and downs, this goofy cartoon is a worthwhile mention on our list. Bojack, the main character of the show, is a struggling, washed-up sitcom star. The show takes you through Bojack’s life as it portrays the downside of fame. Bojack, by the way, is a horse. He lives in Hollywood and has a cat for an agent. Illustrated by Lisa Hanawalt, this emotionally ambitious show has definitely hit the notes it intended to. 

The basic storyline goes: Bojack was a star of a show, “Horsing Around,” yes, this show makes the most of the animal puns. Ever since the show, he’s been immersed in self-pity and alcohol. 

It is not surprising when he lands himself into a love triangle with Diane, the wife of Mr.Peanutbutter. The season takes turns exploring the respective characters’ perspectives, which in turn takes the viewer through quite an emotional ride. Later in the show, Bojack falls in love with a network executive his own age who happens to be an owl. (When she first met him, she said “Who?”)  

A series of inappropriate affairs and trashed career opportunities later, the series is still going strong. This show beautifully uses the heartbreaks of life to leak into the genre that’s intended to soothe them. This show though animated is definitely not appropriate for children. It explores themes like alcoholism, domestic abuse, and depression, just to mention a few.

Big Mouth

This show explores a theme that all of us can relate to; adolescence. Big Mouth is an emotional rollercoaster that’s going to bring back your most embarrassing coming of age memories quite comically. In the show, Nick Kroll takes a horny bunch of teenagers who drink, make out, and are ruled over by their respective imaginary “hormone monsters.” It will throw light on all those embarrassing adolescent encounters that you never again want to talk about. So park yourself on the couch with your binge snacks and get ready to be hit by some serious laughter. 

All the gross humor aside, this show does bring to attention some pretty sensitive topics that should be talked about more openly. The takeaway is that this series is sure to give it’s viewers more than just a few laughs. 

Rick and Morty

If you’ve seen the show, the mention alone is likely to have brought a grin on your face. This show is built around adventures, or I’d rather say misadventures of a crazy scientist and his grandson.

This dark, on the verge of being a nihilistic show, is closer in comparison to a meme than it is to a drama TV show. 

Rick Sanchez, the ill-tempered, alcoholic, genius grandad, appears in the show after an apparently long period of absence. He keeps attempting to connect with his daughter, Beth, but has a better dynamic with his grandson, Morty. Together, Rick and Morty travel through portals into multiple alternate realities on several adventures. The show falls within the larger umbrella of the genre of science fiction. On their adventures, Rick and Morty frequently come across various mutant alien characters. In one of the episodes, Rick hilariously transforms himself into a pile in an attempt to escape a much-needed session of family counseling. However, the elements of this genre, though dominant, are only secondary in the show. They are more often used to throw light on the fact that we are but insignificant specks in space and time.

The third season of Rick and Morty received astonishingly high ratings and became the most-watched comedy show for the 18-34 year age group of viewers in the United States in 2017. If you haven’t seen this millennial classic yet, go find out what all the fuss is about!

F Is for Family

Set in the 1970s, this show is built around a blue-collar, working-class man named Frank. This show is an underrated gem. It explores the struggles faced typically by the working middle class. The towering amount of work pressure from an employer that couldn’t care less about its workers, the mounting of financial debt, and the domestic struggles that follow. This series redefines what is “normal” and shows that problems require more than just a hug and a single conversation to be fixed. “F is for Family” is strangely hilarious and wholesome at the same time.


This series takes you back to the medieval times where you follow Princess Bean through her journey in the kingdom of Dreamland. She is accompanied by her own demon “Luci” and an elf friend in this show that looks like “The Simpsons” met “Game of Thrones.” And I say that in the best way possible. The characters are designed to make you feel emotion for them and will make sure you keep bingeing until you’ve seen it all.

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